Sunday, November 11, 2018

Imagination Trumps Willpower Every Time

Do you want that donut-well then eat it! Your body will tell you what to do to balance that out if you use your divine gift of imagination-proven to work in scientific studies. Several Universities and others have tested people visualizing what they wanted in sports or fitness and they achieved it over those who simply practiced and worked out! Some of those tested didn't even work out! They built muscle with their minds. The nervous system, starting with our brains, is the most amazing, untapped source and is still a great mystery to doctors and scientists who are already experts. But you can prove this simple truth to yourself. Even Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge."

Why do some people drop weight and keep it off? Diets aren't easy, but they will work in the short-run. The long-run is another story. How long can most people discipline themselves through willpower to change their lifestyle to one of healthy habits? Not long at all. Most people cannot maintain a diet, even if it builds in "cheat days" because they are still imagining themselves as fat, or as a person who needs to diet, which boils down to "fat."

The simple solution is to "think thin." Just create an image of yourself as a thin person so that you will be then programming yourself to become a thin person. Here's how it works: if you imagine yourself going to a movie, for example, you might smell the popcorn and feel the cozy comfort of the cushy chairs, excitedly awaiting the showing of your favorite theme. Then, you find yourself grabbing your purse or wallet and heading out the door to your neighborhood theater. It's that powerful. Think about when you've imagined something that happened, whether good or bad, then erase the bad image from your mind immediately!

Your subconscious mind will pick up on whatever image you've created and begin to give you the solution through desire and motivation. You may find yourself wanting more of certain foods, less of others. You might be motivated to exercise more or even less! You may actually be overdoing the good things and you might also not be getting enough water or even fat in your diet. Your body is a very good manager and will store anything it thinks is scarce in your environment.

Eat and be happy, and always remember to think thin!

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